R. G. Hardie Infinity Pipe Chanter, African Blackwood

Like its poly sibling, this blackwood chanter is quickly gaining a following due to its slightly smaller holes and slightly closer spacing. If you find the spacing of standard pipe chanters too much for your wee fingers, this might be the answer for you.  It is bright and sweet, with good volume and a great feel in the hands.  Shepherd reeds like it, as do G1 and Chesney solo The chanter is made by the R. G. Hardie company in Glasgow, a subsidiary of the St. Kilda Holdings Group, who bought the R. G. Hardie and Peter Henderson name some years ago. Unique to the market, each chanter comes with a well constructed board case and a plastic chanter cap provided by the maker, as shown in the picture. Comes with a threaded reedseat and reed in your desired strength. Band discounts are available.


Additional information

Chanter Reed Strength

Beginner Easy, Easy, Easy-Medium, Medium, Medium Strong, Strong