• Circa 1950s Lawrie, full imitation ivory mounts

    SOLD – This is a slightly unusual set in having artificial ivory material I have never encountered before. It varies in clarity — some mounts polished up brighter than others — and has the texture almost of porcelain. The bottom projecting mount on one tenor piece was broken on arrival, but I was able to replace it with an old ivory mount that matches quite nicely, to the point where you would have to look very, very closely to know it’s ivory.

    The wood is a rich, reddish-brown. It almost looks like cocuswood, though I think it is African blackwood. The pipes needed a polish and the reedseats needed opening out, as many Lawries of this vintage do. But they cleaned up beautifully. The cork on the tuning pins instead of hemp is perfectly sized, and with a little cork grease provides quite a lovely tuning action.

    Tonally the drones locked in from the get-go with a rich, mellow sound not as voluminous as earlier Lawries: quite a Hardie-like tone. These would make an excellent starter pipe, or a work-a-day, foul weather or travel set