Rare Piping Books
  • $325.00
    “The Piper in Peace and War,” Dr. C. A. Malcolm, 1927 First edition, signed

    This book contains no music, but it does contain plenty of history, drawings and photographs concerning piping in the Highland regiments during and between various wars up to the time of its publication in 1927. It is well researched and well written, and we have derived a good deal of knowledge of some famous pipers of the past from the profiles in final chapter of the book entitled “Some Well Known Army Pipers.” His entry on George S. McLennan begins:

    “A son of Lieut. John McLennan, George began his eventful career at the age of 10 by playing by royal command before H.M. Queen Victoria; a year later he won the Juvenile National Championship for marches, strathspeys and reels….”

    This particular book is not hard to come by if you troll antique book sites, but not too many are signed by the author. On the inside facing page is the autograph “Dr. Malcolm, 16th June ’44.” To see the Table of Contents, click here.

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