• Hendersons, circa 1900, ebony, full ivory with plain Sterling silver slides

    This set of Hendersons is thought to date from around the turn of the last century. It is ebony, fully mounted in immaculate ivory, and has plain silver slides that were added at a later date. The pipes play beautifully – a full, rich, steady Henderson sound with great chanter blend. All pieces are original, except for the blowpipe stock which was missing, and has been replaced with a poly-lined blackwood stock and a matching ivory mount.

    There are two surface cracks in the drones. One, in a tenor top, appeared 16 years ago, was glued, and has never moved since. The other, barely visible, was in the bass top when the pipes were purchased 25 years ago from Jim McIntosh, and it has never moved. Another crack in the chanter stock, though not right through, appeared a bit threatening and has been invisible-whipped. The pipes have been played regularly in Ontario’s extreme climate for 25 years.

    This is really a lovely bagpipe, and the silver slides set the ivory off nicely. Tonally, this is a first-class instrument and would suit competitors right up to Gold Medal level.