• Northumbrian Smallpipes in D by Richard and Anita Evans

    SOLD – This isn’t the usual offering one expects on a GHB site, but it IS a bagpipe, and a very nice one.

    This set of Northumbrian smallpipes in the key of D was made by the firm of Richard and Anita Evans, who recently retired from making pipes. The set has an 11-key chanter and five drones, each with a tuning bead.  The set also comes with an Evans Scottish Smallpipe chanter in D, with a high B key. The drones will play with either chanter. The pipes are in great condition, with excellent Evans drone reeds. Each chanter has a reed, but they are past their lifespan and should be replaced.  Though retired, the Evans will still make reeds for their pipes.

    The pipes are African blackwood with imitation ivory mounts. Keys and other metalwork are silver-plated brass.

    The set does not come with a bellows.